HVAC Services

Protecting Your HVAC Investment

HVAC systems are a crucial part of any home or office, and it’s important to keep them in good working order. Regular maintenance and repairs can help to extend the life of your system and prevent costly breakdowns. The team at Wedeking Custom Comfort are certified HVAC technicians, who can service all types of makes and models, and are experienced in repairing all types of HVAC systems. We offer a wide range of HVAC services, including installation, maintenance, and repair in Clarksville, IA. Whether you need a new system installed or your existing system serviced, we're here to help. Contact us today to schedule a free consultation at (319) 239-6942.

Repairs and Servicing 

All systems require maintenance and your heating and cooling systems are no exception. Keeping your HVAC Systems clean and maintained, is the best way to do your part and extend the life of your AC unit and furnace. Not only does a clean system work more efficiently, it also is a great way to prevent future breakdowns! Contact us today for servicing or repairs on your system. We can service all makes and models. 

Air Conditioner Ventilation Installation System in Building - Clarksville, IA - Wedeking Custom Comfort

24-Hour Emergency Services 

As anyone who has ever dealt with a broken air conditioner in the middle of summer can attest, HVAC systems are essential for comfortable living. Unfortunately, repairs and emergencies can often occur outside of regular business hours. Fortunately, we offer 24-hour emergency services for HVAC systems. This means that no matter what time of day or night it is, help is always just a phone call away. You can rest assured that your HVAC system will be up and running as soon as possible.

Preventive Maintenance 

By regularly scheduled cleanings and tune-ups, you can avoid costly repairs and extend the life of your equipment. A well-maintained HVAC system will also improve indoor air quality and help to keep energy bills down. During a preventive maintenance visit, our certified technicians will inspect your system and perform any necessary tasks to keep it running smoothly. We will also provide you with a detailed report of our findings and recommendations for future care. By investing in preventive maintenance, you can rest assured that your HVAC system will be ready to keep you comfortable all year long.

Check out our preventive maintenance plans at just $60/hour! 

Spring / Summer Maintenance 

✔ Cleaning / Replacing Filters

✔ Washing Outdoor Units

✔ Checking Refrigerant Levels

✔ Inspecting Indoor Coils

✔ Inspecting Wirings

✔ Test Thermostats

✔ Inspect Drain Pans / Lines

Fall / Winter Maintenance 

✔ Checking / Replacing Filters

✔ Checking Combustion Efficiency

✔ Checking Temp Rise

Inspecting Burners & Heat Exchanger

Inspecting Exhaust Piping

Inspecting Motors & Electrical

Inspecting Furnace Safety Components

Stay comfortable all season long! Call us today at (319) 239-6942.

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